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Old 12-17-2011, 03:06 PM
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True story from the "old days". Like Age 19..... El Paso.... I had long hair (for the time in west Texas) in it was 1974 that year I believe. I was stopped at a red light on a four lane in the right lane. For some unknown reason either road rage or a redneck / "hippie" thing, I suddenly have this guy who got out of a car next to me at my door trying to open it, screaming he is going to kill me. Reaction was floor it. Old Country Squire sedan, haha. The damn fool hung on to the door handle until his feet couldn't keep up. I was freaked out, but I did get to watch his face go from homicidal rage to sheer terror. Watched his dumb @ss bounce off the pavement after he finally let go. Ah the good old days, hehe...........

72 Bird
Old 12-17-2011, 03:09 PM
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As I have matured it has made me realize not to be a dick behind the wheel. Try to think how you would act if that person was next to you while you were walking. How would you treat them then? Would you walk 2 feet behind him?
Sure, there are idiot drivers out there, be glad you are, alledgedly, smarter than they are.

Also rememeber this- No matter what state you live in-
The term 'speed limit' is just that. It is a LIMIT, NOT a requirement. That is the fastest you are allowed to go in ideal situations. If it is dark, if it is raining, if you are towing, etc. It may not be wise to drive at the LIMIT.

I have had people yell at me for driving 5 or so under the limit. They yell, 'the limit is 45!" Yup, I know that, I also know what is prudent.

When people flash their brights, or leave them on, I simply, and prudently, slow down even more. It is very distracting to have very bright lights shining on the backside of your head and dash, etc.

It all has to do with consideration. don't be a dick behind the wheel.

What do I do when someone is tailgating me? What else can you do? If you speed up, they simply drive at the faster speed and still tailgate you. The answer is to slow down 5-10-15 mph. The will be become more frustrated and pass you.

Many people prefer to tail gate than pass. I think women mainly but, some men do it too. If you want to drive fast, I do not really care, just do not ride on my butt. If you do, you will find yourself driving 5-15 mph, or more slower as long as you are close. A lot of this even applies to driving on multilane roads. People who drive fast often want to ido it in the right lane. why? If you want to drive fast, get in the passing lane.

People are nuts these days and I think a lot of it has to do with the 'late model' car mentality. People now have their dark tinted windows so they can be anonymous to others, impersonable, inconsiderate. They also have their anti lock brakes and their wind bags, etc. They develope a sense of indestructabillity so they drive more dangerously. We will not even get into texting...
Just the other day, I was making a left turn in my GTO with a green arrow, A gal in a minivan , on the phone, just blew through the red light. If I was not paying attention my GTO would have been t-boned and my passenger could have really gotten hurt.
I've been driving for 37 years now. Been driving high performance Pontiacs mostly the whole time. People do indeed drive more darinly than in the past. headlight are much brighter too. Many alledgedy 'low beams' are brighter than my high beams. It takes a lot of fun out of night driving with these bright lights behind you. I have progressivly seen people drive in a more inpersonal mode behind their tinted windows, etc as the years have gone on. Women especially. The only thing that is really better today than in the past is there are less people driving drunk and amen to that. Otherwise, it is worse.

When you drive an older car, i think you are more considerate of others, i think you tail gate less and you are a more aware driver.

With all this said, I do enjoy driving very fast when it is safe to do so. I may kill myself but, I do not want to hurt others.

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Last edited by Steve Barcak; 12-17-2011 at 03:16 PM.
Old 12-17-2011, 03:27 PM
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I wouldn't say it's road rage but it sure pisses me off on the amount of idiots on the highways that don't deserve to have a license to be out there, or don't have one at all. Tho it is rage worthy that the cops don't do anything about them... cell phone to their ears, texting, no signal lights, tailgating, no brake lights, running red lights, left turns on red, left lane Louies, and passing you on the right shoulder. Southeast PA, New Jersey, and Northern Delaware are just plain nuts out there. I thought we paid taxes to pay the state and local cops to do a job. It's not all about crime, as I've been told it is here in our County.

I was taught there is a right way to drive responsibly, and maybe that is wrong these days.


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Old 12-17-2011, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by GT182 View Post
I wouldn't say it's road rage but it sure pisses me off on the amount of idiots on the highways that don't deserve to have a license to be out there, or don't have one at all. Tho it is rage worthy that the cops don't do anything about them... cell phone to their ears, texting, no signal lights, tailgating, no brake lights, running red lights, left turns on red, left lane Louies, and passing you on the right shoulder. Southeast PA, New Jersey, and Northern Delaware are just plain nuts out there. I thought we paid taxes to pay the state and local cops to do a job. It's not all about crime, as I've been told it is here in our County.

I was taught there is a right way to drive responsibly, and maybe that is wrong these days.
Your point is well taken and I agree.
Think about this. In Arizona when you apply for your drivers license, you get it for some stupid amount of time like 30-40years! How dumb is that? They want you to renew your plates every year or so but, your license? event several decades.

That is one of the core problems on the road IMO. Not sure if other states do this stipid thing or not.
Why is it stupid? Well, laws change for one thing. How does one learn of changes? I get some of my info from the local news but, not everyone listens to that. Also, it is not the news medias job to keep drivers up to date on the laws.
The police and hiway partrols job is enforcement, not education.

IF Arizona, and other states, had an annual ( as an example ) required drivers license test, people would be more aware of the laws.
They could be reminded about how important courtesy is.
They could be reminded that driving is a privlige.

People should be shown movies with examples of how to drive each year. Then, after the movie, should be tested on it.
The the states focused on the 5 main reasons for accidents ( I would bet speeding and tailgating are in the top 2 ) during these annual required tests, I bet people would become more aware of their responsiblity behind the wheel.

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Old 12-17-2011, 05:00 PM
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I dont think i get road rage but my wife says i do. Here are 2 games i play with aholes the first is blocker when i see someone cutting in and out of lanes driving like richard i just pick a slow car and get right next to him and match his speed lots of fun on a 4 lane. The other is jump the light this is great when the richard is next tO you at a red light just hit the gas real quick then the brake you wont believe how people will just take off without even looking at the light

When you really do something right it's like you didn't do anything at all

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Old 12-17-2011, 05:42 PM
69 DAYTONA's Avatar
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Default the saying goes, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"

...unsafe driving, provoking others into a rage, we're not school teachers, just get out of their way and hope they don't kill you in the process

...stuck on the interstate in an accident related traffic jam about 20 years ago and I saw a semi driver block the far right emergency lane (on purpose) on the interstate so a car couldn't pass him on the right side to get to the exit near by...the driver of the car was yelling and screaming for the semi driver to pull back over...the trucker kept crowding the car more and more and nearly ran the car into the ditch...I saw the same car on the news that night,, the driver was distraught, his small child was choking to death in the car and he couldn't get by the truck to get to a nearby hospital...the little boy died in the parking lot at the, everytime someone presses me in traffic, I always remember that father crying over his dead son who quite possibly would have lived had another driver not decided to teach the father a lesson on the road

...I just avoid stupidity, don't try to school them, I just get the hell out of their way

Old 12-17-2011, 07:52 PM
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If someone actually flashed me with the high-beams, I would hit my hazards and let them pass, or move into the slow lane. I've only had that happen once - it was a police car trying to get a speeder several cars infront of me. But people typically don't, they often just tailgate.

I've been working on it - just maintain a constant speed and ignore the 'gaters. But it's difficult; to not drive in such a way to make sure the driver behind you isn't going to hit you - it's just good driving practice to watch and anticipate the capabilities of other's vehicals. Tailgaters ruin that. I even got rear-ended at a red light once - I saw the kid comming to fast, so I pushed in the clutch, and got ready to hit the brakes after he hit me so I didn't roll into the vehical infront of me. I think it's normal to be aware of whats behind a person's car. I know I have anger issues with them.

Once I was at a red light of a four lane(rt228). The light turned green and as I started to go(i was first in the slow lane), I caught a glimps of a silvery blue ford color four-door jump in the passing lane from the lane behind me, and begin to pass us all at a high rate of speed. I floored it to show some punk he wasn't going to tear around me in 'pap's lincoln. His fender got to my driver's side door when the cam and the boost came on in second, and I drove awayfrom him. I was on it till the rt79 off ramp traffic lane was comming up, and I didn't know if there was cars going to be comming and try to merge, so I let off - Good thing to; That lane jump and pass guy was a cop in an unmarked crown vic, not a kid in a lincoln.

I also walked down to the local bar last night, to finally get out. With work and school, my social life is seriously lacking, so I wanted to get out. Low and behold, I ran in to the dude in my last post who had the black 330i. I asked him what kind of cars he owned - he said his last four cars were BMWs. I asked him if he had a black 330i - he said his buddy had one. I told him about the incident with the tailgating - He denied it. He seemed like a nice guy. People "change" behind the wheel.

Jon B

Last edited by NBF823; 12-17-2011 at 08:09 PM.
Old 12-17-2011, 07:53 PM
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Default the saying goes, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"

...unsafe driving, provoking others into a rage, we're not school teachers, just get out of their way and hope they don't kill you in the process

...stuck on the interstate in an accident related traffic jam about 20 years ago and I saw a semi driver block the far right emergency lane (on purpose) on the interstate so a car couldn't pass him on the right side to get to the exit near by...the driver of the car was yelling and screaming for the semi driver to pull back over...the trucker kept crowding the car more and more and nearly ran the car into the ditch...I saw the same car on the news that night,, the driver was distraught, his small child was choking to death in the car and he couldn't get by the truck to get to a nearby hospital...the little boy died in the parking lot at the, everytime someone presses me in traffic, I always remember that father crying over his dead son who quite possibly would have lived had another driver not decided to teach the father a lesson on the road

...I just avoid stupidity, don't try to school them, I just get the hell out of their way

Old 12-17-2011, 08:58 PM
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Here in New England we have paved cow paths that they call highways. The on-ramps and off-ramps are very short and tight. On 2 lane roads in N.E. you sometimes have to STOP at the bottom of an on-ramp and wait for an opening. Once on the highway, stay in the left lane and cruise until its time to get off. I see so many accidents because of these on/off ramps.

About 90 people/day die in vehicle accidents in the US

Old 12-18-2011, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by 69 DAYTONA View Post the saying goes, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"

...unsafe driving, provoking others into a rage, we're not school teachers, just get out of their way and hope they don't kill you in the process

...stuck on the interstate in an accident related traffic jam about 20 years ago and I saw a semi driver block the far right emergency lane (on purpose) on the interstate so a car couldn't pass him on the right side to get to the exit near by...the driver of the car was yelling and screaming for the semi driver to pull back over...the trucker kept crowding the car more and more and nearly ran the car into the ditch...I saw the same car on the news that night,, the driver was distraught, his small child was choking to death in the car and he couldn't get by the truck to get to a nearby hospital...the little boy died in the parking lot at the, everytime someone presses me in traffic, I always remember that father crying over his dead son who quite possibly would have lived had another driver not decided to teach the father a lesson on the road

...I just avoid stupidity, don't try to school them, I just get the hell out of their way
Good post and absolutely right.
Trying to trick someone into doing something dangerous like running a red light, forcing them off the shoulder, etc....well, just sounds like one of those things that could have un-intended consequences.
We all have done stupid things when my stunt of stabbing the brakes when the guy was tailgating me on the interstate...but we're supposed to outgrow that stuff when we get older...IF we survive.

Greg Reid
Palmetto, Georgia

Old 12-18-2011, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Barcak View Post
Your point is well taken and I agree.
Think about this. In Arizona when you apply for your drivers license, you get it for some stupid amount of time like 30-40years! How dumb is that? They want you to renew your plates every year or so but, your license? event several decades.

That is one of the core problems on the road IMO. Not sure if other states do this stipid thing or not.
Why is it stupid? Well, laws change for one thing. How does one learn of changes? I get some of my info from the local news but, not everyone listens to that. Also, it is not the news medias job to keep drivers up to date on the laws.
The police and hiway partrols job is enforcement, not education.

IF Arizona, and other states, had an annual ( as an example ) required drivers license test, people would be more aware of the laws.
They could be reminded about how important courtesy is.
They could be reminded that driving is a privlige.

People should be shown movies with examples of how to drive each year. Then, after the movie, should be tested on it.
The the states focused on the 5 main reasons for accidents ( I would bet speeding and tailgating are in the top 2 ) during these annual required tests, I bet people would become more aware of their responsiblity behind the wheel.
Here in Indy you must renew your license every 6 years (4 for seniors) and it doesn't help. They leave the BMV just as ignorant as they entered.

I was waiting in line to pay for my new license and got stuck for 5 minutes behind some illegal that couldn't speak english or even write or sign his name. The cashier just said mark an "X" on the signature line and gave him his license. And I have to share the road with them?

And the top 10 causes of accidents (speeding is only #8 and tailgating not listed - might be reckless driving):

10. Bad roads
9. Reckless driving
8. Speeding
7. Driver Distraction
6. Drug use
5. Drunk driving
4. Rubbernecking
3. Eating in the car
2. Changing CD/Radio
1. Cell phone use


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Last edited by lrosen; 12-18-2011 at 12:23 PM.
Old 12-18-2011, 01:05 PM
PonchoV8 PonchoV8 is offline
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I don't block people from speeding unless it's in my neighborhood. They'll be out of my life in a few seconds. I don't even care if they swerve in and out as long as it's not to violate someone's right of way.

If it's a two lane and you're on my tail, I'm not going to speed just so you can. If I'm in the lane that you want to be in so you can pass someone driving slower beside me, not my problem. I'm not in the left lane unless the person beside me isn't maintaining a constant speed and I need to pass.

I do have a problem with semi's speeding through town and I'll do a little to prevent them from it if it's fairly convenient. Town here is only a couple of miles, so they can live with it. I don't go a long way to do it. Out of town, I don't care. I do impede speeding when I'm in a construction zone. I work in them. I have friends who work in them. I've seen or nearly been the victim of accidents from speeders in construction zones. In this state, if you see barrels on the side of the road it's a construction zone and you are subject to a double fine--and you probably deserve it.

Old 12-18-2011, 01:18 PM
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I like to school the tailgaters by having my rear window washer out of adjustment just enough for the fluid to miss the window and catch the airstream. I won't waste my washer fluid on a dirty PoS but a nice clean Vette or a Mercedes too close and it is time to wash my windows. The best part is that it works like a charm and they back off quick.

My favorite was a Ferrari, I was in heavy traffic when up flew some chick driving like she was in the Indy 500, cutting in around everybody, drafting just a few feet behind until her next opening, but when she got on my ass I damn near drained my washer tank. The look on that rich bitch's face was priceless.

Old 12-18-2011, 01:27 PM
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LOL! I've gotta do that. Even normal washers hose people behind them at the right speed.

Old 12-18-2011, 01:32 PM
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What pisses me off are arrogant drivers who cut me off on the fwy and refuse to use their turn signals.

Old 12-18-2011, 01:35 PM
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simple,if you ride my ass you're going to get a brake check.Had a guy in a BMW suv ride my ass so close i could not see his head lites.I brake check him big time and next thing i see is him going side ways from him locking up his brakes..he got the message after that..

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Old 12-18-2011, 01:45 PM
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What really pisses me off are people that can't at least do the speed limit. If you are driving 10 mph UNDER the posted speed limit.... you are a hazzard and should be taken off the road and cited.

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Old 12-18-2011, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by firebirdcrazy1959 View Post
simple,if you ride my ass you're going to get a brake check.Had a guy in a BMW suv ride my ass so close i could not see his head lites.I brake check him big time and next thing i see is him going side ways from him locking up his brakes..he got the message after that..
Brake check me.... I'll run up your ass even harder.... I drive a 400hp car and truck for a reason.. to blow around people such as yourself... People that drive too slow are inconsiderate and dangerous.... not everybody has all the time nor paitence to wait for you.

A couple of weeks ago I was up in Oregon.... I couldn't believe how many people up there actually drive under the speed limit.... especially people from Washington WHY??? What is wrong with people up there???? I'm originally from Spokane and can't stand how slow people up there move...

Current Pontiacs -

1973 Formula SD455 - #'s auto orig paint
1972 Trans Am - 4 speed orig paint
1974 Formula 400 - Ram Air automatic
1966 2+2 convertible - 421 4bbl automatic
1967 Grand Prix - 4 speed orig paint
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Last edited by 71GP76TA; 12-18-2011 at 02:03 PM.
Old 12-18-2011, 01:59 PM
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My absolute biggest pet peeve is people who do not know what to do at an out-of-order intersection with flashing traffic lights.
It drives me crazy when people have a flashing yellow one way and a flashing red the other and they treat it like a 4 way stop. Then when someone comes up to the yellow and does what he is supposed to do, he gets cursed out for 'running' the light.

Second place peeve is people's ignorance of the 'slower traffic keep right' rule. They ride right next to each other on a two lane highway for miles and miles at 49mph in a 55 zone, totally oblivious to all other traffic building behind them. I call that 'driving in formation'.

So many people that have licenses have no idea what the rules of the road are.

Greg Reid
Palmetto, Georgia

Old 12-18-2011, 02:06 PM
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A construction worker who was in charge of installing traffic lighting on a local job here tells me that it's a state law that all parties have to stop at traffic lights even if the one side is flashing yellow. I don't want to know if that's true, so I just go through on the yellow if it looks safe. Otherwise you'd think the light would be flashing red on all sides.

I never brake light people unless they've decided that they want to rage on me without promise of letting up. If they're flipping me off and pretending they're going to hit my car, I'm very skilled at making them bite their tongue when they're in mid sentence of screaming profanities. You can blow them a kiss and watch their heads explode.

I remember one kid deciding he didn't like my abrupt departure from a line of traffic on I-40 when I decided to go down a exit ramp to another interstate to avoid the jam. He decided he wanted to chase me down (while I was only doing the speed limit). He flipped me off and floored his Ford Probe to run away. I pedaled my turbo ZX up beside him and started doing circles around his car on the interstate at about 100+ speeds. He had done his best to get away and I just went right by, crossed in front of him and slowed down in the 3rd lane as he passed. And then I went back around him on the right. Did this about 3 times until he grabbed an exit to get away with his tail tucked. Still funny to me today. I stopped and waved at him considering whether I wanted to cut through the grass to show he couldn't get away if I didn't want him to, but decided he was humiliated enough.

Last edited by PonchoV8; 12-18-2011 at 02:15 PM.

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