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Old 08-01-2021, 09:15 AM
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Formulajones Formulajones is offline
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Depending on where you buy the kit from they differ a bit and will affect how they fit in certain cars. As far as shifter clearance, I prefer the White Lightening shifter as it is one of the more adjustable and versatile shifters for the TKO on the market. It's $400 though so not the cheapest.

Cross members are the same way, some fit better than others, some will cause interference with exhaust, some have more wiggle room. I prefer the X-factor crossmembers as they are very adjustable, up down fore and aft. Great for getting correct driveline angles and plenty of exhaust clearance. They are $350 however.

Or what Tom did works fine if you don't mind a little fabrication and extra time.

As far as clutch discs go, of course you can swap any brand disc you want in there, but I see no reason to. You can buy the Centerforce disc separate, I've done that many times.

2019 Pontiac Heaven class winner