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Old 04-29-2008, 09:57 PM
PonchoV8 PonchoV8 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 4,473

You guys (Barry Grant) sold people defective products at full price?! Without offering to replace them after discovering they were slop?! And when he allowed you to refurbished it in your shop to fix one problem (only to find it had another problem) you still didn't offer to replace it with a nondefective product?!
Whatever it takes to sell the bad ones I guess. He spent $2500 on defective product you couldn't fix the first time. :bolt:

I'm glad I didn't buy one of those. I know I won't forget who sold it to him and who didn't replace it. Barry Grant. Good job guys, you really got that sucker didn't you?

Eric, I'm sorry you didn't get what you paid for, but I'm glad I learned of this topic.

EDIT: Oh yeah, GM replaced my GMC Sonoma's defective windshield wiper relay for no charge 9 yrs after it was sold new. GM replaced my injector pump on my GMC diesel Sierra at 98,000 miles 8 yrs after it was sold new for no charge. Nissan replaced every fuel injector and it's wiring on every single fuel injected car brought in that was made after 1984 up to the 90s at no charge.
What was your excuse again. That you wouldn't buy him a new car just because you sold him defective goods? I think a new intake would've covered the situation. Next?

Last edited by PonchoV8; 04-29-2008 at 10:03 PM.