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Old 01-10-2009, 12:56 AM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 66

This is really odd seeming to me that a guy could go on ripping so many people off from what it sounds like from those who have posted up in this thread.

In such a tight nit and seemingly "everyone knows everyone" community also. These aren't Chevy's after all.

I mean does this guy operate out of a store front? I don't mean to take this down to this level but if a business owner stole my money in such a blatant fashion and after multiple attempts to contact, it's not going to be that long before I burst through that front door ready to roll some heads.. and not the iron or aluminum type. Theft is theft, this is worse than someone stealing the heads off my engine at night when I'm sleeping and people get shot for that.

I don't get it. I'd be afraid for my safety if I had wronged so many people.