Thread: Internet
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Old 12-06-2021, 01:07 AM
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padgett padgett is offline
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Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 467

Am a little older than most, played first video games in 1957. First digital comm was at 66 wpm (words per minute) then went to 100 wpm. Used Baudot (baud) encoding. Learned electronics (told was last class to learn vacuum tubes) in USAF in 60's. Lost track of computer languages but now both Ebcdic (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) and American Standard (ASCII). First coding was pure machine code then moved up to Assembly Language in 70s.

Consequently find it funny when people talk about the Internet starting in '90s and the Web (port 80, https port 443) being everything. Suspect can still send eMail (port 25) with telnet, is just RFC 821.

Can go for a few hours on the early daze.

Orlando - Where rust must be imported.
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