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Old 03-23-2016, 11:47 AM
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1968GTO421 1968GTO421 is offline
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Originally Posted by tpssonic View Post
My brother has a very similar engine (both around 455 cu. in.) with a similar cam other than the LSA (my 114 LSA to his 110 or was it 108? LSA) and that mine has more lift (his is a 4-speed, and mine's an automatic, but we have similar gears and vehicle weight. If you were to ride in his car and then in mine, you would swear his could run away and hide from mine. His powerband is like a light switch and feels like it could rip the hinges off of he!! when it "comes on". Would his run down the 1/4 mile any faster? Maybe, maybe not, but that really doesn't matter to us- and also to what I would suspect is a great number of people, given the choice of an exciting ride or better 1/4 mile times. Truth be told, his car is a LOT more exciting to ride in because it feels so much faster. For me, it is a bit too loud and cantankerous (I am 5 years older, btw ) and you really need to pay more attention when driving it due to the "on/off" powerband. Don't get me wrong, there is still the thrill there, but to me it's kinda like "a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there" situatiuon. Mine is SOOO much easier to drive. I'm ok with that and he's ok with that. To each, his own- that's the beauty. He owns about 15 very nice muscle cars in addition to his more docile daily drivers. If he wants to drive a rumpity-rump rocket, he has that ability. For many of his muscle cars (most of them Pontiacs) he likes (ok, requires) a choppy idle and tire-melting torque. I like a choppy idle but I wanted more of a sleeper. So we both can pick and choose what we want with cam selection. Cool, huh? As long as he can run pump fuel and not deto, he's good. He doesn't care if his engine's power drops off faster and that mine will rev higher. Truth is, he doesn't want it to run past 5200 rpm due to the the stock rods, so why put power there? Just some somewhat-related random thoughts...
I have to agree with you. My brother and I both modify our GM cars and a person's personal preferences and happiness needs have alot to do with the build. If the exciting ride is important, then the parts choices for the engine will be different than those who want performance much like the "day one" car. When asking for recommendations here, one must always consider that not everyone is the same and one person's joy is another's drudgery.

Thank you for your post, I think it raises some very valid points.