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Old 12-23-2019, 11:01 PM
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carbking carbking is offline
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Join Date: May 2000
Location: Eldon, Missouri 65026
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One thing I don't understand, assuming we are talking street cars, is the need for all of the horsepower

First gear in my 1974 GTO with Pontiac 350 is totally useless to drive in anger with the largest street radials I can fit under the fenders.

Engine has never been dynoed, and don't plan to dyno it. Builder, who shall remain anonymous per agreement, said 435~450 HP, and that is plenty on the street.

Maybe with custom chassis, slicks wider the intake manifolds, and what else I have no idea, one could get the power to the pavement.

As to the Pontiac vs corporate argument, I am an old geezer. Set out to build the '74 as Pontiac COULD have built it without "help" from the government. It came with a 350P, OK, it still has a 350P; but then I don't race it.

Merry Christmas everyone.


"Good carburetion is fuelish hot air".

"The most expensive carburetor is the wrong one given to you by your neighbor".

If you truly believe that "one size fits all" try walking a mile in your spouse's shoes!

Owner of The Carburetor Shop, LLC (of Missouri).

Current caretaker of the remains of Stromberg Caburetor, and custodian of the existing Carter and Kingston carburetor drawings.