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Old 04-28-2024, 08:23 AM
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mysticmissle mysticmissle is offline
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Default single stage glossyness

Getting ready to paint a 400 hood for my bird color is carosel red single stage.
I sprayed the scoops and and some marker light surrounds for practice and a color check last week. the color is close enough but i think im gong to try and dr it up just a shade or too.
My question is, its not quite as glossy as the existing paint, which i beleive to be single stage but do not know for sure as i bought it like this. My new color is def duller, what can i do to make it shinier? It is possible that i sprayed a second coat too soon, or that maybe i short changed the activator, reducer a small amount from the recommended 4-1 ratio.
Should i get some clear and add it to the mix? Should i make sure the ratio is correct and give 10 minutes between coats and see if it changes sheen? Should i just be prepared to wet sand and buff to get the shine?
Thanks in advance

1969 carousel red firebird 455, richmond 5 speed
1964 540 gto
1971 lemans sport convertible
1972 Maverick under slow construction