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Old 04-02-2024, 11:52 AM
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Mario64 Mario64 is offline
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Posts: 65
Default 1964 gp shifter plate question

hi guys:
my gp shifter was never changed when the po upgraded to a t-400. i installed a shift works shifter and it now operates as it should. my question concerns the shifter plate indicator (prndll). the one that came out was on a glass plate that had a strip of aluminum tape under it. i had purchased the one from shiftworks (plexiglas). to my surprise, i found that the there was a light under that plate that i couldn't see due to the aluminum tape. the tin housing the bulb was mounted in was the same color as the car, skyline blue. it looks to be a factory paint. were these housings color matched to the cars? or are they all one color? if so, what is that color.