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Old 02-18-2024, 11:03 PM
pont3 pont3 is offline
Chief Ponti-yacker
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Location: St. Charles, Missouri
Posts: 581

Originally Posted by KS circutguy View Post
Old mechanic's saying,
"If you can't afford a new one,you can't afford to repair a used one."
I always flagged more flat rate hours working on euro cars than American.
I started wrenching in the 70's./

There's no way I'd daily any classic car today.
It's basically a death wish with no modern crash technology.
There is nothing wrong with driving a classic today. After all, there is this concept called "defensive" driving and if more people employed that concept there would be far fewer crashes and injuries. If the price of gas was still 1.50/gal, I'd be driving mine every day. Yes, I know the hazards are greater today because of the mindsets of younger, (and many older) drivers who lack safe driving techniques and common courtesy.

But all this new "safety" bs that cars are saddled with is more of an annoyance and expensive waste than lives that it will save.

I still daily drive my 2004 GTO that I bought new 20 years ago. No airbag has ever deployed nor has it drifted into the oncoming lane. Yes it has endured some minor scrapes and bruises like the VAST majority of the "new" cars equipped with all the expensive "safety" devices. People get maimed or killed in serious vehicle impacts regardless of the safety equipment they possess or lack.

I believe that more emphasis should be placed on who is allowed to drive, not what equipment should be required on cars.