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Old 01-18-2024, 04:56 PM
rambow rambow is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Snohomish, WA
Posts: 221

#1 make sure you remove and reinstall the head rest tubes THROUGH the bun before the cover goes on.
If the headrest tube is buried UNDER the bun, you are never going to find it after the covers on.

#2 Once the bun & Tubes are on, mark your FRAME centerline on the bun and use that for lining stuff up... If you misalign the cover during install its VERY obvious with the headrest being offcenter vs the covers main panel.

#3 When you are laying out the cover make sure the top welting bead falls 1/2" or so in front of the headrest guide stands. If you don't do that, the welt winds up too close or worse UNDER the headrest lock bezels!

#4 once the cover is on, the plastic of the headrest guide stands will be easy to see and feel through the cover, after the cover is 100% on and you are happy with it, then install the metal headrest lock plate- use an awl to poke the two holes for the screws to attach it to the frame (sides) Install the metal lock plate with those screws (they go down to the frame) then use an exacto knife and cut out the center hole using the metal of the guide as a guide... The two screws for the bezel only go into the lock plate, no need to punch holes for those.

Hope this helps!