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Old 10-01-2023, 12:07 PM
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NeighborsComplaint NeighborsComplaint is offline
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Default A buddy is getting the run-around from Kia.

He's got one of the recalled engines and took it do the dealer as it began using an excessive amount of oil between oil changes. The dealer changed his oil and told him to bring the car in at exactly 1,000 miles so they can check the amount of oil used.

My buddy uses the car for daily transportation and of course always overshoots the 1,000 mi interval. He then has to wait for the next oil change (performed by the dealer to verify the oil is full and try again. I told him dispense with all the BS and take the car there in as close the 1,000 mi as possible right after work since they're service is open until 8. He did this and was told only the Service Manager could verify the oil level under a warranty claim.

I told him this is all BS and a stall tactic for you to run out of warranty (he's getting close) so they can deny the claim and besides, they can verify the condition of the engine with a compression and leakdown test. They can also average your oil consumption based on how many miles you drove and how much oil was used just like you calculate your gas mileage at the pump. He needs to tell the Service manager to stop playing games and perform the necessary tests which are a more accurate estimate of the condition of the engine.

Triple Black 1971 GTO

Last edited by NeighborsComplaint; 10-01-2023 at 12:18 PM.