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Old 07-12-2023, 12:43 PM
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Dave Bisschop Dave Bisschop is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Posts: 108

Thank you everyone for your words of concern and encouragement. The past month has been a tough one for my entire family as it was a lot more than just the business that burned to the ground on June 8th. My family and I along with lots of friends have been doing the salvaging. We had a large group of friends help us on June 10th and pulled a lot of the larger items from the debris pile with the help of a good friends mini excavator. Since then it's become a much more tedious process where we are literally shoveling by hand, sifting through each shovel full, removing anything of value whether it's salvageable or not as we need to document as much as possible. At this point we haven't scrapped anything as our lawyer has advised us to wait till the bus company either comes out to see everything or passes on laying eyes on the destroyed items. We should be done with the hand shoveling for the most part by the end of this week, we've hauled away over 10 tons of ash and building debris so far. The only salvageable piece of equipment is the dyno which we hope to setup at another location in the next few months. I'm also working on setting up a hand porting area at a buddies shop so once I'm done with the cleanup and documenting process I can finish as much work as I can that was in process. It's not going to be easy to get the shop back up and running to where things were prior to the fire but I'm determined to do what I can and hope that in the end we come out of this ok but the legal battle will probably take a few years. We lost my son Zac and daughter in law Kayla's 1970 Tempest post that we'd been doing a body off frame nut and bottle restoration on the past years and the car was close to being ready for paint, it's now a twisted up burnt piece of scrap metal, I lost half of my 63 Tempest wagon that I've been picking away at for the last 23 years, the painted doors and fenders were in the shop along with the the mint original rear seat and most of the trim and all the new parts I had aquired so I'll probably need to find another car to finish it now. That's just a small part of the personal parts we lost as parts for all the cars were in the shop. It's still hard to take looking at what use to be my shop everyday but we'll figure it out and with all the amazing support we've been getting from family, friends and complete strangers I think we have fighting chance to get things back to the way they were for the most part, we just have to be patient and work harder than ever to make it happen. Sorry for the delay in responding to this post, I'll work on adding updates to the website as things develop.

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