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Old 08-08-2022, 07:01 PM
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Heybuck Heybuck is offline
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Unhappy Farewell Georgy Girl

Two female Australian icons have passed in the past few days

Judith Durham, the female vocalist in the 1960's group The Seekers past away 3 days ago. For any of the members here born in the 1950 era, you will remember The Seekers. They were the first Australian group to reach number 1 on the American music charts with their song Georgy Girl.

Only yesterday, I was listening to a tribute for Judith during which the commentator made a statement along the lines of "in my 50 years of commentating on all the various artists around the world, there are only 2 people I have never heard a bad word about. Judith Durham and ONJ".

And now today we hear Olivia Newton John has passed. That's in another thread here so I wont elaborate other to say how much of an impact she has made on my family's life with her OLJ Wellness Centre in particular breast cancer research.

To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools.