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Old 07-21-2022, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Tom Vaught View Post
GIVEN????? THAT IS ONE STORY. This is closer to the real story.

Years ago, when Pontiac announced it was closing its doors, a management decision said basically "everything goes into the dumpster".

So everything "went into the dumpster" I was told, but then Jim did a "Dumpster Dive" and took everything he could out of the dumpster and saved it.

I believe there was some legal opinions filed and the legal people said once it went into the dempster it was no longer GM property.

So Jim was able to save a bunch of Pontiac records but GM was not happy.

I assume the word went around GM, no more "dumpster diving", and the other OEMS followed suit.

A guy named Ran**zo, almost lost his job for climbing into a dumpster at MY work, BUT he was retrieving a part that should not have been thrown in the dumpster in the first place. A Security Guard saw him and tried to have him fired. Management said, "He should not have gone in the dumpster but he retrieved a critical parts that should not have been put in the dumpster in the first place." So Management saved his job. .....Tom V.
Reminds me of a Lengendary tale from GE-Astro East Windsor, circa 1994 the spacraft team was missing a million dollar MUX filter bank (silver-plate caliapy of large, thin metal filters of precise qualities) for a GEO satelite in rapid build. Well, a freegan dumpster-diver employee happen to find the MUX tossed by ????, in this one of all the dumpster diving he did. The MUX would be an above-typical find but within his rhelm of possibilities. About a month since missing a Facility PA announcement went out asking to scour the facility for the lost MUX but known to be received. Fella chimed in that he had it, etc and he became a rather heroic fella in the facility. MUX was blessed with holy water (IP2 and vacuum bake), performance measured and blessed by QC for intended use. Wolud have been hauled off otherwise.