Thread: Robin Roberts
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Old 10-21-2021, 08:52 AM
opeliac opeliac is offline
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Originally Posted by turbo69bird View Post
I guess I dont follow your last post completely Tom V

But my point is I don’t agree with it as we saw it in the show. But knowing what he’s done in the past in certain situations I have to believe there’s more to that story because it’s polar opposite

As for it reflecting on Pontiac guys or not: he’s known as a Pontiac guy on the show so some will associate the two.

This is the same principal they use when sponsors expect a person to act a certain way while representing their brand
A Persons actions reflect on those around / associated with them just a fact of life .
Again, in a similar situation when a friend of mine was pretty much out of the race and Robin could have not had to race him, Robin stepped up and helped him get in the game to race against him. This was at the pump gas drags in Memphis. It was a big deal race for Robin back in those days

Gotta give credit where it’s due .
If someone is going to judge me, based on what some guy driving a firebird does, then that person is so friggen retarded that their opinion doesnt really matter to me...