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Old 03-04-2019, 11:05 PM
Sun Tuned Sun Tuned is offline
Ultimate Warrior
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 2,120

Gerry, I don't really like to put grease on the pins and weights. Few drops of engine oil is usually good for a year or so. I have put just a very small and I mean very small amount of GM shaft lubricant(very light bodied grease) on the weight pads themselves.

Down south the grease works ok, as long as it's really like a light moly grease. Up north it's a no go in winter months. Like today, I think it was -7 in crystal lake Illinois, grease will only turn hard as a brick in that kind of environment, and be just like glue. So I try to avoid grease on weight pins. I've used it before here around home and it does fair in summer but in winter it gets sticky ,hard and just don't work worth crap. So about all I do there is shoot a little 30W on em and let em be. You still should check under that rotor at least once a year and add some oil to it then. Don't glob it on there as it will sling all over if you do and cause other problems.