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Old 07-15-2015, 01:17 AM
Baron Von Zeppelin Baron Von Zeppelin is offline
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Originally Posted by Holeshot71
Here's the PHS for the Cardinal Red WW5 I bought a couple years ago. Not sure why the option is a different amount than what's been documented here?
On your Invoice - all the amounts are higher on everything, including base price too.

In speculation - I am thinking the Excise Tax Repeal we see mentioned on some Invoices was in active play on your Invoice.

As in, the beginning year model prices ($1012 Auto WW5 Option Cost time period) were further increased by the Excise Tax. Putting your WW5 Auto up to $1039.
This must have only been in effect for a short period before the Excise Tax was repealed effective 12/11/71.
At the same time the excise was repealed , PMD must have also in addition had a full revision of their own A-Body pricing structure as well. Since the WW5 Auto didn't just drop back to $1012 - it went down to $987.
And all associated prices went down lower as well.

Best I can put together without any supporting bulletins or memos at hand.
If we get enough cars , we will probably see some more examples like yours in the same short time period of invoicing.

If the original purchaser of your car had waited about 1 more week to order, they would have saved around $300+/- . Which would be about $3000-4000 in car money today.

Really appreciate you sharing yours with us.
If anyone can further elaborate on the pricings, please do.