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Old 01-21-2014, 04:12 PM
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Deadhead Deadhead is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: VA, USSA
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Selling non-rare items on E-bay is not very good at the moment. Very little moves, and you nearly always have to re-list even selling the run-of-the mill stuff for cheap.

Typically you can wait and get the options you want without paying extra for them on E-Bay. When I do it, I only pay a couple of the piddly ad-ons for .10. Last times I did it, I was only paying 15%. Been a year since I did much.

Craigslist would be good if you could ship all of it instead of having to be home, scheduling meetings with morons or talking to them on the phone. It takes way too much time to sell small parts on there for me. It is good for big stuff, but I can not imagine dealing with it for a $20 item.

Buyer's Mkt for regular items at the moment. Far fewer people with enough $ to restore their cars.

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