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Old 01-03-2014, 04:52 PM
rexs73gto rexs73gto is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Niles MI.
Posts: 4,319

Pugs sorry to hear your problems but if you have to go to an atty. NOW & get a court order to get your car out now without him knowing. I went through this same deal a while back. I had to go to court to get my car back NOT done . He will make up a Phony bill saying he has don all this & that & the bill will be more then what it started because the EST. is just that. An EST. His finial bill will be higher & the judge will make you pay. But if you get your car out by court order because the time for it to be done has past. If you pay or agree to give him a pass on the first $ 200.00 you set yourself up for ,,,, WELL how about a 2nd pass then a 3rd. Then it will be the whole thing & you'll end up owing him more then the original EST. If you have paid him for all the work that is done to this point get it out NOW. Make sure you have & get all of your parts when you take your car out because you won't ever get back in there to get them if you don't get them the day you take the car. Please get your car out now before it's to late. Big little , long term or brand new , a body shop is just a body shop & they only want your money. Get it out while you can. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. If you forgiuve him the $ 200.00 you will set yourself up for some legal rules where he can get you for the entire amount ,, I don't remember what it's called but when you forgive something it open the door for something else. I wish I could remember what the judge called it but it can come back & bite you if you forgive the first amount.