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Old 08-26-2013, 08:54 PM
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chrisinestes chrisinestes is offline
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Originally Posted by dm_fan View Post
I don't have license for any of these logos.
I figured that since I wasn't mass producing them, it wouldn't be much of a problem. Does anyone have experience with this type of situation? What kind of trouble would I be in if I were selling these with logos on them?


Technically, copying & selling somebody else's work w/o a license isn't legal. So you or I whipping something up & selling even 1 item with any artwork that you don't own isn't legal. Getting caught is another story. It's a big ocean, so if you're a little fish, you might get away with it forever, or for a while. If you get caught, you can be forced to cease, pay a fine, licensing fees, a portion of each sale, and legal fees.

Big companies have people whose job is to look for that kind of stuff. I bought a corporate logo package when I first got into the sign biz. It contained a Harley Davidson logo, and somehow they found out I had a copy of it, and I got a letter from HD's legal dept. saying, with threat of legal action, that I was not to use that logo for any purpose w/o a license from HD.

I'm in the sign business, and on occasion a customer's sign needs to have a trademarked logo. So my customer or I have to demonstrate to the trademark (logo) owner that their trademark will be used properly. Some have even required proof of the finished work. That can be a pain in the butt sometimes, and sometimes they just say "okay" and that's that. Generally, the bigger & more well known the company, the more they can & do protect their trademarks & logos and the like.

I've actually talked to GM about licensing some of their trademarks for some products, and they say that I have to go through their proper channels. And of course... now they know who & where I am.

But now that I'm thinking about it, I'll put talking to GM back on my to-do-soon list.

Anyhow, those lighted plaques look really neat! It's a good idea.


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