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Old 04-11-2006, 08:56 PM
rzrektd rzrektd is offline
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Posts: 558

Originally Posted by 66 GOAT
Bryan-----I have an Idea to relieve all this stress your under and at the same time make me feel better about our dealings--here it is--I lost a date coded engine from all your screwing around and trying to get straight answers out of you--that probably cost me about $2,000 (if I ever find another one)--Then lieing to me about where the car was--that will cost about $800 to have it shipped out here (instead of me making about a 5 hr drive with a trailer--I had lined up for $100--and I own my own pickup)--so the way I see it is this----

cost me for engine--$2,000
cost for shipping (less gas and trailer rent--$ 600
Total that Bryan cost me from lieing and playing games--$2,600


and I'm not even including the $500 that you jacked the price up!
You are brutal!

I am honest, and I'd tell you to stick that somewhere. I'd give you compensation for a bad deal, but $2,600 compensation? That would be like me asking bryan for $7600.00 because my deal went bad. It is rediculous.

I suppose I'd be riled up as bad as you if I missed out on a date coded engine that matched my car. Sounds like you went deeper into the deal than I did too so I don't really know what I would do.