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Old 04-10-2006, 09:14 AM
rzrektd rzrektd is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: BFE
Posts: 558

1.) Yes, the car was for sale to you at 6k...but then my dad gave the guy a call while he was at work without my knowledge to get more information, and he said he had slept on my new proposition on a lower price and he said he wouldn't sell any lower than his original 8,500 asking price. Basically my father and myself got him riled up to realize that he had some demand for the car, and he was going to jack up the price. I tried everything I could do on my end to get it back down, but he said for 6k he's rather I walk away and forget I knew it existed.
You told me via email that your dad was interested in the car now. If your dad called him without you knowing why send me an email telling me that your dad was interested in the car? You did not give me any communication that the price went up $2,500.
I have a frame two people are interested in that is for sale for $1200, should I jack the price because two people are interested instead of one?

2.) I would have been more than willing to give you the guy's number. But this guy is an elderly gentleman, and he's difficult to deal with at best. He has a lot of Pontiac cars and parts, but he just doesn't do business with anybody. He can also rip you off really bad. I bought a steering column from this guy yesterday for 50 bucks that he said was all there...and when I got it home 3 hours later I realized he'd sold me one that had been used for parts!!! That, and if you try to buy something from him and he doesn't like what you hear, he'll kick you out. Also, he's very unfriendly. I go over there and buy stuff from him because he has good pontiac stuff, but try to have a conversation with him and it goes nowhere. All he cares about it your pocketbook and once he's got that he wants you out of there. And if he doesn't like you, he won't sell anything to you at all.
He probably acts that way toward you because you are always throwing your age holier than thou statements and trying to get something for nothing. I know how not to insult someone. I have also never had a single person kick me off their property for trying to buy something they are selling. He probably smells a dead fish soon as you step on his property.

So please answer me this: If I tried to sell you a car for 6k and the price without my control jacked back up to the original 8, in the devil am I going to rip you off??? I've lost money...but I felt sheepish at best because I offered you a 67 gto at 6k when the price was once again back to 8,500. Basically, you and I were in a lose-lose situation. I didn't want a 6k check showing up at my door and not having a car for you in return!!!!
Welcome to the land of playing middle man. When you don't lock up a deal on your suppliers end and commit to someone on the customers end, you end up with a decision to scar your name or take a loss. You have shown time and time again, what you value more. I also want to point out that the reason why the deal broke is because your dad was now interested in the car, not that the price went up $2,500. Which one is it?

And to answer why I haven't posted?!?!? I've been at my grandparents for the entire weekend, and they do not have a computer. I've only been dumbstruck with this outlandish accusation to myself and my integrity. All I can say is I know I'm an honest person, and that I do honest dealings.
If you were at your grandparents all weekend, how were you at this guy's house which is "5 minutes away" buying a sterring column yesterday? The only outlandish accusation posted is that you think you have done nothing wrong in all these situations.

Those headers I tried to sell??? I wanted to get rid of them because my engine builder told me he wanted to go with ERdelbrock e heads. How was I going to use a set of d ports on pontiac e heads. Well, I wasn't. So I offered them up here so I could put them towards the round ports I was going to need. Then he says he'd rather use kauffman's d ports. So I said...ok they're not for sale. Done deal. That was why.
I'd like to hear the bs lines for all the other times you have shafted someone. You couldn't do it, your project would not see the light of day till fall.

And really, let's stop this here. Mabye I'm immature, mabye I don't know a lot and mabye I have a lot to learn...but everyone has to start somewhere and I'm starting at the best place I know...
I'll stop when I want to stop. Do you understand me bryan? From one young punk to another, you need to grow a spine, become honest, and value your word more than money. Unfortunately, none of this comes with age. It is something that a good father would teach a son instead of teaching a son how to undercut a deal as we are seeing here. I would not want to have a father that put my word on the line like this.