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drunk'n Injun 10-18-2006 03:31 PM

MR-1 DEFECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bought a MR-1 Block from Kauffman in march of this year. After finally gathering up most of my parts, we began work. After checking we found the lifter bores needed special attention. I sent it to a man that had the right equipment to fix the problem. The bores were .007-.008 tight. not .001 we were told they would be. The machinest doing the work raised some other flags and caused me to start checking other areas of the block.

First off, I checked the Brinell (hardness). It came back at 160 which is around 22,000 psi , far from the 35,000 psi claimed on the MR-1 web site. To give you a couple comparisons, a G.M. big block is 209 brinell. The IA-2 I now also own is 242 brinell. So already I have a block that is below industry standards at 160 brinell. Might also add Steve Kauffman had no idea what brinell was when I brought this to his attension.
Next I measured the cam bores. They had been cut by Kauffman for 50mm bearings. The bearing itself measures 2.2830. The spec on the bores should be 2.2822-2.2829 leaving a min. of .0001 press fit. mine measure as follows.


Not sure how Steve expects me to hold the bearings in the block? He gave me a B.S. story that he knows those measurements aren't true because he test fit bearings in the block before shipping. That I suppose is possible since I pushed #5 in by hand!

My personal favorite is the cylinder wall thickness. I have a 4.350 bore. According to their claims on their site and mag. articles I should have .250 at 4.375 bore. Sorry guys, WRONG YET AGAIN! Here are a couple measurement from the trust walls.


Now, I have and have had since the day the block was deliverd, a USELESS BLOCK. I didn't say worthless! I plan to get a lot of milage out of it And when i'm done Steve Kauffman will be able to attest to its worth.

68coupe 10-18-2006 04:13 PM

It's funny how these so called engine builders don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground when it comes down to brinell!.....Did you happen to check if it has been line bored also?....I also had a block with lifter sleeves installed which was uncalled for!....This builder sounds just as bad as PAW out of California.....Don't bother checking anymore clearances as this will only piss you off more.....Just crate the "USELESS" or "WORTHLESS" block up and send it back for a refund!.....Believe me, I've been down this road in the past!:mad:

drunk'n Injun 10-18-2006 04:24 PM

I did send it back. They still have it. Steve Kauffman admitted on the phone that he got similar numbers on the sonic test as i did but he won't take it back because I did some work to it and have had it to long. I guess it doesn't matter that the day I got it all of the defects exsisted and nothing I have done caused them. . But don't worry about that. What I loose in dollars I will make up in entertainment at their expence ;)

fastgto 10-18-2006 04:26 PM

Interesting, As I am going to buy an aftermarket block, I`d like to know more of Steve`s answers. 1. Did he offer to take the block back with out you asking? 2. Is it going to cost you extra money now? 3. How was his attitude?

drunk'n Injun 10-18-2006 04:48 PM

On our first conversation, the first thing he said to me is you have had this block since march. Not sure about you but it takes a while to get a billet crank and custom fowler rods and pistons. Any way after him debating the FACT with me about my measurements he said " If the block is worthless , what do I want it for". It was at this point I got hot! He then wanted to know if he could sell it would i go for that. I clearly told him NO! That block is not useable to anyone. I guess he was willing to pawn it off on someone else. As far as his attitude. I'll just let that lay. Is it going to cost me more money? Yes. I now have a junk MR-1 block and a perfect ( I measured everything) IA-2 block. I am paying to have the block picked back up in Ohio and brought back to me. I have purchased a domain name and am having a web site designed and dedicated to there products and I will be traveling from show to show with my block which is going to be cut up for display. Its going to cost me but thats okay. Its going to be worth every damn cent when i'm done. Theres some other costs in there but i can't discuse them at this point. :D

rumair 10-18-2006 04:59 PM mean to tell me that a vendor sold you a product bearing their name that is out of spec in more than one area, refused to issue a refund when you sent the product back, blamed you for the defects caused by their manufacturing process, then offered to refund your money if he could pawn it off on another sucker?

i thought this vendor machined everything in house and made sure the product specifications are as advertised before shipping the product to the customer?

i'm interested to see how this situation is resolved...

fastgto 10-18-2006 05:04 PM

Yes, keep everyone updated on this problem.

BILTIT 10-18-2006 05:13 PM

Hmmm, IA-2 is looking better and better!

ponjohn 10-18-2006 05:56 PM

I think his screen name says it all.

Brian Baker 10-18-2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by ponjohn
I think his screen name says it all.

He's building a Pontiac powered blown alky funny car...hence, the screen-name.

drunk'n Injun 10-18-2006 06:03 PM

I can assure you the IA-2 is better. I went with the MR-1 Block because my engine builder and good friend did buisness with them and liked them. Eventhough All Pontiac was in my back yard. I hadn't done any research on either block, I thought 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other. Hell the MR-1 was a little cheaper until the hit me with the freight which was 2/3 more than what it is costing me to ship it back.:confused: I can now see why it cost a LITTLE less than the IA-2 and why it weighs less. Theres less material in the block. The main webbing on the IA-2 is .135 thicker than the MR-1. The walls are obviously a lot thicker. They were what they advertised! Maybe Steve Kauffman should read his own web sight. Too bad they took all the info down last weekend.

Glenn 10-18-2006 08:33 PM seem to have a problem with anyone that posts anything negative about Kauffman Racing Equipment....why is that?

Today we discovered part of the reason why my KRE heads do not flow at their advertised rate. I emailed Jeff Kauffman this morning informing him of the defect. I have not as yet received a response. At this time I don't want to go into details because I want to give him a chance respond.

Brian Baker 10-18-2006 08:56 PM

ponjohn 10-18-2006 08:56 PM

The problem I have is the ability for any "Joe" to blaspheme anyone that they do business with in a public forum. It is wrong.

He has 4 post and we are supposed to believe his word is gospel? I appreciate after Brian's explanation of his screen name that this isn't a 5000.00$ street motor - OK - got it.

But I don't have to accept his complaints or your's for that matter. Did you measure all the issues he listed? No and neither did I.

I also find it very difficult to believe that anyone assoicated with this community to treat someone like that and KNOW that they have this soapbox to stand on.

It doesn't matter if it is KRE, Dude, Mr Pbody, All Pontiac or anyone else that is an active memeber here.

I come from the thought: "to wash your dirty laundry at home". I simply can not get over the feeling that when this occurs that it is simply an attempt to flush the individual out and humiliate him or her.

IF you have found somthing that is affecting flow don't you think you should have or could have waited till the situation was resolved then report how it was handled? You have created a thread possibly effecting someones business when you didn't have all the info you could have.

How about this, I create another screen name and sign in and go into this forum and make a thread on how Glenn royally f-ed me on an engine I bought and don't ever buy anything from him. It is wrong. There is no security in the identity of the individual. how do I even know you own a set of heads?

I am not denying the fact that there may be issues with your heads or this MR1 block. But i firmly believe that this is not part of the solution.

rzrektd 10-18-2006 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by ponjohn
The problem I have is the ability for any "Joe" to blaspheme anyone that they do business with in a public forum. It is wrong.

He has 4 post and we are supposed to believe his word is gospel? I appreciate after Brian's explanation of his screen name that this isn't a 5000.00$ street motor - OK - got it.

But I don't have to accept his complaints or your's for that matter. Did you measure all the issues he listed? No and neither did I.

I also find it very difficult to believe that anyone assoicated with this community to treat someone like that and KNOW that they have this soapbox to stand on.

It doesn't matter if it is KRE, Dude, Mr Pbody, All Pontiac or anyone else that is an active memeber here.

I come from the thought: "to wash your dirty laundry at home". I simply can not get over the feeling that when this occurs that it is simply an attempt to flush the individual out and humiliate him or her.

IF you have found somthing that is affecting flow don't you think you should have or could have waited till the situation was resolved then report how it was handled? You have created a thread possibly effecting someones business when you didn't have all the info you could have.

How about this, I create another screen name and sign in and go into this forum and make a thread on how Glenn royally f-ed me on an engine I bought and don't ever buy anything from him. It is wrong. There is no security in the identity of the individual. how do I even know you own a set of heads?

I am not denying the fact that there may be issues with your heads or this MR1 block. But i firmly believe that this is not part of the solution.

Anyone that sells a defective product, admits defect, will not take block back within 1 yr that never made it into a car or even fired, offers to sell it to someone else is not ok in my book and I expect someone to tell me if it happens to them. Leave judgement to me on where I put my hard earned money.

Thank you very much for the heads up on the block and this further secures my business with all pontiac.

Glenn 10-18-2006 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by ponjohn
The problem I have is the ability for any "Joe" to blaspheme anyone that they do business with in a public forum. It is wrong.

He has 4 post and we are supposed to believe his word is gospel? I appreciate after Brian's explanation of his screen name that this isn't a 5000.00$ street motor - OK - got it.

But I don't have to accept his complaints or your's for that matter. Did you measure all the issues he listed? No and neither did I.

I also find it very difficult to believe that anyone associated with this community to treat someone like that and KNOW that they have this soapbox to stand on.

It doesn't matter if it is KRE, Dude, Mr Pbody, All Pontiac or anyone else that is an active member here.

I come from the thought: "to wash your dirty laundry at home". I simply can not get over the feeling that when this occurs that it is simply an attempt to flush the individual out and humiliate him or her.

IF you have found something that is affecting flow don't you think you should have or could have waited till the situation was resolved then report how it was handled? You have created a thread possibly effecting someones business when you didn't have all the info you could have.

How about this, I create another screen name and sign in and go into this forum and make a thread on how Glenn royally f-ed me on an engine I bought and don't ever buy anything from him. It is wrong. There is no security in the identity of the individual. how do I even know you own a set of heads?

I am not denying the fact that there may be issues with your heads or this MR1 block. But i firmly believe that this is not part of the solution.

First off, I did make my problem known to Jeff Kauffman and I posted this "blow-off", we got your money so don't bother us anymore. Sorry such arrogance in unexceptable. Believe me, Jeff is aware what is being discussed and yet he doesn't feel the the need to respond.

Ponjohn, your reactions to any negative post toward KRE leads me that you have more than just a casual interest in KRE.

jstackem 10-18-2006 09:47 PM

The lack of response says it all.

chiefbigb 10-18-2006 09:50 PM

My MR-1 experiance was not positive.I was able to obtain a refund after several phone calls and a waiting period.My block was returned in the purchased condition.I had been dealing with KRE for years before this.It is my opinion that all blocks that were produced and do not meet the advertised criteria should be taken back and a refund or replacment be issued.That is the bottom line.This product was made available to the public and was not ready.Simple as that.Saying you ran a boring bar through it or decked it before you found the defects is a coppout.That is BS.We are not talking about 50 bucks here.More like 3,000.I had the pleasure of dealing with KEV after posting on my refund issues and at that sealed the deal with me.I will never deal with KRE again as long as this POS is in thier bed.The MR-1 is a great block just ask any of the people who dont know squat.I have owned both and also found the IA-2 a superior piece.Brian

Brian Baker 10-18-2006 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by chiefbigb
My MR-1 experiance was not positive.I was able to obtain a refund after several phone calls and a waiting period.My block was returned in the purchased condition.I had been dealing with KRE for years before this.It is my opinion that all blocks that were produced and do not meet the advertised criteria should be taken back and a refund or replacment be issued.That is the bottom line.This product was made available to the public and was not ready.Simple as that.Saying you ran a boring bar through it or decked it before you found the defects is a coppout.That is BS.We are not talking about 50 bucks here.More like 3,000.I had the pleasure of dealing with KEV after posting on my refund issues and at that sealed the deal with me.I will never deal with KRE again as long as this POS is in thier bed.The MR-1 is a great block just ask any of the people who dont know squat.I have owned both and also found the IA-2 a superior piece.Brian

The block you returned was resold to Steve Barcak at Norwalk this year, was it not?

Wick 10-18-2006 10:25 PM

Reselling blocks with known problems? OUCH, that's gonna leave a mark!!

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