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chuckies76ta 11-21-2021 07:32 PM

SD Performance Flooding B.C.
Hi: If anyone on here wants to help Dave and Lisa out here is a link to a Go fund me page. I already sent Dave and Lisa $500 before they started the go fund me page.


chuckies76ta 11-21-2021 07:41 PM

$200 sent


Lemans64 11-21-2021 09:15 PM

Was wondering how they were making out, Not good out there. Been since monday the 15th since BC had a major rain storm
with flooding all over, Bridges washed out and Major landslide over major highways on the lower part of BC. Abbotsford is in a
Low lying farm land area. This area has been hit hard with Major loss of Livestock and land damage. Hopefully they come out of
this Devastation. Been 5 days before highways have been reopened, Military has been called in to help with relief. Winter has just started and
not sure what else is next. Extreme heat over summer, forrest fires, now extreme rain. Extreme snow and cold next?

VCho455 11-22-2021 03:13 PM

5 Attachment(s)
I have been in touch with Dave over the weekend. Lisa and him are unable stay at home due to flooding in the house. I am sharing the photos and information Dave passed to me on what they are going through.
Here is a quote from one of the emails.

"We got hit by another landslide, but fortunately it was on the east side of the house and didn’t effect the shop at all so very thankful for that. We had flooding in the house from the rain and the slide is right up against the house but no mud actually came in (mud is covering two windows that didn’t blow through). We aren’t staying at the house for a while. We cleared all the wet stuff out of the basement and cut the lower parts of the drywall and now have fans and dehumidifiers going to dry things out. The yard is a disaster with 50+ dump truck loads of material coming down the mountain. There’s another rain storm forecasted for next week but hopefully it won’t be too bad. I’m hoping to start pulling vehicles and trailers out of the slide next weekend to start the huge cleanup project.
Going to get back to working some in the shop this week as the bills don’t stop!!"

Fortunately Dave can still get to work unlike many in the area. But he is unable to ship or received any packages at present as the road to Suma is closed and may be so for some time.

See the links for more information on what happened and is still ongoing.

There is more rain in the forecast for the next two weeks. Let's all pray they don't get hit with anymore heavy storms.

And please take time to share this information on other locations to widen the circle of information to all of Dave and Lisa's friends.

Tom Vaught 11-23-2021 02:01 PM

Glad I got my heads from Dave before this latest Environmental disaster.
This is the second time he has basically lost everything of value in his home or shop.

Tom V.

77 TRASHCAN 11-23-2021 07:41 PM

I HATE this!!!
Praying for Lisa and Dave!!!
My heart is aching for them!!!
I'm guessing this is Dave and Lisa's home town?

I'm inviting them to move to Oklahoma!!! You only have to dodge a tornado, here and there, no big deal!!!

Lemans64 11-23-2021 09:37 PM

They have not finished up with the mess they have in that area and now are gone age that with another rain storm Thursday.
Hopefully it won't be as bad as last one, cuz the area is already struggling. Still dealing with road damage and Major bridge damage
on roads out of the area.

pontorquer 11-23-2021 10:32 PM

My heart goes to you too Dave and Lisa ... All the best.

Drag Star Le Mans 11-24-2021 04:27 AM

This was a result of another land slide not flooding. Remember the shop was wiped out last time. Either way a sad situation. I hear they are staying with one of their kids. Lower mainland BC is a total mess right now with more rain on the way.

chuckies76ta 11-25-2021 09:02 AM

Dave had said his shop is ok.. Thankfully. Just want to say Thank you for any help that has been provided. Insurance won't cover them for this type of disaster. We lost our home back in 1987 to a Tornado so I understand what it like involved in a disaster. Fortune for us Insurance covered the replacement of our home and contains. The scars left stay with you forever. My wife and I would never want to go through a disaster of any king again. I can't imagine going through it all over again like Dave and Lisa.

Thanks again.

sdbob 11-25-2021 04:33 PM

Prayers sent. I cant imagine the psychological effects. That looks like the area that weather channels Highway Thru Hell is filmed.

chuckies76ta 11-25-2021 04:52 PM

Yes it is. Called the Coquihalla in BC

sdbob 11-26-2021 09:52 PM

Just reading more about the damage and the why? Weather phenomenon called an Atmospheric River. Can have an influx of more moisture than the Amazon River. Scary.

Drag Star Le Mans 11-28-2021 04:14 PM

17 dump truck loads hauled out of Dave and Lisa's place. Many people came in and donated time to help clean up. The shop suffered no damage and it sounds like he is back to work.

stevesbirds 11-30-2021 10:55 AM

I have heads there, about ready to ship back to me.

3 years on this task. Jinxxed. I had drought if 500 year floods myself, moved my residence. It steals years from your life to fight these events.

JSchmitz 11-30-2021 11:19 AM

Sad to hear. Time to move before you lose more than property. Glad nobody got hurt.

VCho455 12-16-2021 04:31 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Update on Lisa and Dave. From his email to me.

Heads for small cube Pontiac.
Wed 12/15/2021 8:07 PM

We got the sxxx kicked out of us by several more extreme rain events which forced us to abandon salvage operations and instead setup pumps to stop our house, shop and the neighbors house from flooding. Fortunately we found a ditch to the west of our property that had no standing water in it so clearly had good drainage so we ran 200-300’ of hose and pumped for 6 days straight 24 hours a day. For about 72 hours we had 3 pumps going wide open (750+ gallons a minute) none stop but by the 4th day we were able to get down to one full-time and one intermittent to keep things heading in the right direction and later that week we were able to resume salvage operations and start planning how we were going to deal with the waterflow that we are now seeing coming down the mountain. The stupid city 17 days after the slide and after all the extreme rain storms (nothing additional came down the mountain) decided our place was a danger to life so they put an evacuation order on the property which has now cost us thousands of dollars in unnecessary Geotechnical BS to have the order lifted. We hope to get all the stuff done the Geotech wants by next week but when you are dealing with sponsored equipment you have to work around the availability of that equipment as we certainly can’t afford to pay the normal going rate for all this so it’s taking a bit longer but we’re getting it done cost effectively thanks to generous friends!

We’ll be ok but it’s been depressing and overwhelming dealing with it all. I have done a bit of work in the shop the last week or so but needless to say it’s hard to focus on the task at hand but I’m doing the best I can. Still haven’t had a good nights sleep since this all happened which isn’t helping me physically or mentally.

Thanks for touching base!

Dave Bisschop

77 TRASHCAN 12-29-2022 10:38 PM

Can you give use an update on how Dave and Lisa are doing?

tempest1964 12-31-2022 01:53 PM

I saw that VCho hasn’t been active since November

stevesbirds 12-31-2022 02:06 PM

I email, but only reply this year was March. He had a tough bout, do not know what, Covid ? Had him down a month, and the flood set him back a good 2 years with no insurance, or worker help. He said it was all on him to patch together the property.

My project is partly done, on indefinite hold I fear.

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