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FirebirdHank 01-24-2021 03:10 PM

I got my covid vaccine shot yesterday! The VA called me at 8:00 a.m. and asked if I could come in in the afternoon. I jumped at the chance. Second shot set up for Feb. 13. My wife is getting her first on Tuesday. Maybe now things will start to get back to normal.

Scarebird 01-24-2021 03:16 PM

Excellent to hear. My folks got theirs last week with a followup soon.

Hopefully by mid-Summer this will pass when all are inoculated.

tom s 01-24-2021 03:22 PM

Wife and I got ours on the 16th.Tom

694.1 01-24-2021 03:28 PM

Had a sore arm for a day, maybe some sniffles. Sister has covid and has been in the hospital for week. Say she feels much better now, she can talk for several minuets without getting exhausted...Wow.

mgarblik 01-24-2021 03:38 PM

Glad to hear you live in states that are actually getting the vaccine into people's arms. In Ohio, they just thew 900 doses in the garbage because they forgot to keep it refrigerated. Very slow rollout here. Completely de-centralized, every county doing their own thing, their own websites, own delivery methods and processes, registration and frustration. Ohio has 88 counties. No centralized organization at all. Most front line medical workers have had a chance to get one at least. 40% have declined. Most nursing homes have been served now. Regular folks, 80+ years old are eligible when usable doses are available in a week or two.

72projectbird 01-24-2021 03:40 PM

Good luck

JimFB400HO 01-24-2021 03:45 PM

I'm considering waiting a few weeks to hear how the J&J vaccine works out. It is supposed to be a single dose.

tom s 01-24-2021 03:45 PM

Calif is 65 and over.Tom

77 TRASHCAN 01-24-2021 04:04 PM

Beware of second shot side effects. My brothers wife is nurse. After her second shot she got fever, aches, flulike symptoms, as she was told were possible...took her a fess days to recover from second shot.

scott70 01-24-2021 04:04 PM

My 80 year old mother is waiting for hers i Florida. My work was informed the vaccine is coming there and was looking for a head count for people that want it. I declined.

Firedup6975 01-24-2021 04:05 PM

I have a suppressed immune system from the Leukemia and my Dr. isn’t pushing the issue on the shot, I may wait for the J&J one as well seeing it will be a single dose shot. I am sensitive to injections, when I got my first round Shingles shot I was achy for 3 days. I still have to get my second dose of that in June.

jamesq 01-24-2021 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by 77 TRASHCAN (Post 6218730)
Beware of second shot side effects. My brothers wife is nurse. After her second shot she got fever, aches, flulike symptoms, as she was told were possible...took her a fess days to recover from second shot.

I strongly second this, my sister-in-law (an MD) was down for three days after her second shot. I have heard this from others as well.
James Q

tigergto 01-24-2021 05:32 PM

I know many people who have had both shots, none have had any reactions. I have received shot number one and no reaction.

Sirrotica 01-24-2021 06:23 PM

In the fall I got the double strength flu shot and had a reaction to it, sore arm and just felt a little bit crappy for a day.

I had the full blown flu twice last year within a month that put me in bed for 2 weeks both times. I'll take the mild reaction possibility, over 4 weeks in bed sick as a dog.

If Ohio ever gets their act together I'll be getting the vaccine. I have 3 deficiencies that would make me susceptible to the virus, I'll be getting the vaccine over trying to live through a bout with covid, which I'm fairly certain I would not win.

turbo69bird 01-24-2021 07:23 PM

I know quite a few people who had actual COVID, didn't even know it. A few that had sniffles, none yet that got anything even close to the flu.

They had on today that a guy was sick w COVID in dec, got the shot yesterday and died. So make sure if you get it you wait the recommended 90 days from having COVID

Personally I'm in no rush to get this vaccine. To many people I know had the actual virus and were fine.
I'd like to see it a bit more proven.

428goat 01-24-2021 07:56 PM

Live in Indiana. Wife and I got ours on Friday. 2nd shot scheduled for the 24th of February

The Champ 01-24-2021 07:56 PM

I have a part time gig transporting medical supplies, specimens (including covid specimens), etc to and from the Mayo Clinic properties in SE MN. As such, I am considered a 1a employee and will be getting my first covid vaccine injection on Wednesday.

I'm also 66 (for about another 3 weeks), diabetic and a 3 time cancer survivor.

I normally have no reaction to vaccines (as a diabetic, I get the flu shot annually). I've also had the Shingrix vaccine (for shingles).

FirebirdHank 01-24-2021 07:57 PM

I'm counting the days until shot #2. If I have a reaction I will have to deal with it. The thought of sitting back, doing nothing and waiting to see what everybody else does never entered my mind.

David Jones 01-24-2021 08:05 PM

Living in Alabama, no need for me to worry about a shot. We’re last in % of shots given vs the population. I’ve applied online but that was around 2 weeks ago and have received no response. I can picture those triaging the calls/online being less than qualified.

bigger=better 01-24-2021 08:40 PM

Have seen people who have had little effect from getting COVID. Also have seen many people very ill. Have also pronounced many people dead with it.

Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

Lemans64 01-24-2021 11:23 PM

Sounds as though things are fairly speedy down there, Not so much in Canada. I'm not eligible for 1st shot till Aug. 59 years young.
They are rolling out by age and Occupation. Health care workers etc. Sounds as though most of Canada's vaccine is coming from Pfizer
and madurna?

Stuart 01-24-2021 11:42 PM

The problem with discussions related to Covid is that sooner or later political and misinformation posts start creeping in, and then the moderators and administrators have to delete them...please stay within the rules for the Lobby.

fyrffytr1 01-25-2021 12:11 AM

My wife has had both doses with no side effects other than the slight soreness in her arm. She works at the local hospital. I got my first dose last week and only had a sore arm for about a day. Get my second dose on 02/04. In Georgia the age is 65 and over, I am 70.

johnta1 01-25-2021 07:32 AM

My wife got her 1st shot and her arm was sore and she could hardly move it. Lasted for about a week. She got her 2nd shot a couple days ago. They told her that the 2nd may be worse than the 1st. She had a sore arm but can still move it. Seems to be doing fine now.

I got mine and didn't even notice it. If you touched the area it had some ache to it. Lasted a day. My 2nd shot will be Feb-2.


propuckstopper 01-25-2021 12:14 PM

I will say this, free of political bias...

As a fifty year old male who is hoping like hell to hold on to my last little bit of common sense (I question myself every day), I find it reckless to go out, get a needle, and report to the general public in this particular manner:

"This vaccine is perfectly safe. All I experienced was a sore arm for a day and now I am golden!"

That kind of statement, to me, is just not very forward thinking. Any needle will give you a sore arm for a day. That doesn't mean you are clear. Of Covid, or anything else...

What will happen in six months? Or a year?

It is one thing to have the shiniest fenders at your first car show. It's another thing to have that shiny paint stay on the fenders for many years. Only time will tell.

If you think I am anti-vaccine, I am not. I am just very concerned with the message.

I am a father of two young boys; seven and twelve. I encourage them every day to be, and remain, free thinkers.

johnta1 01-25-2021 01:46 PM


That doesn't mean you are clear. Of Covid, or anything else...

I'd say I would be 'more' clear of covid or anything else than you are?
Especially if you are not protecting yourself with mask and distance.
My wife deals with ignorant people every day and I for one was very happy she got the vaccine. She has a lot of the comorbidities that would not be good for her and the virus.


propuckstopper 01-25-2021 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by johnta1 (Post 6219004)
I'd say I would be 'more' clear of covid or anything else than you are?
Especially if you are not protecting yourself with mask and distance.
My wife deals with ignorant people every day and I for one was very happy she got the vaccine. She has a lot of the comorbidities that would not be good for her and the virus.


Ignorant? Me?

Thanks for that.

I'll just shake my finger at myself...

johnta1 01-25-2021 03:44 PM

I never said you were ignorant?

Unless you are a customer of my wife's store, I wouldn't know if you are?

I can say what I said were facts and not opinions or believes.
I would also say what most here posted about getting their shots were also facts and not opinions or believe.


bird72 01-25-2021 03:46 PM

My significant other put it on full bore last night on anti-vac, calling me ignorant for wanting to get the shot(s). She was against the mask thing last year and reluctantly agreed to wear one after many bad discussions, and a state mandate. I pity anyone that also has this kind of discord in their own home. I give up on my situation. I wasn't even telling her she should get one.

vertigto 01-25-2021 04:17 PM

I'm honestly curious as to why some people are anti-vac? Conspiracy theorists? Non-trusting of the government? Still view the FDA as during the thalidomide days?

Even though the vaccines are fast-tracked, they still have to meet/exceed the same safety and efficacy requirements. I say this being in the clinical research industry.

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