Neil E Neil E is offline

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  1. hemidann
    12-27-2013 09:54 AM
    Hi Neil, I will try to find my receipts for the springs and shocks, I bough everything from my local Advanced and O Reilly auto parts stores and used Moog parts only. When buying shocks spend the money for GOOD shocks, the ones that are supposed to be good and around 40-50 dollars are junk, I think I ended up spending around 85 dollars each for the shocks and trust me it I well worth the extra money to buy them just once. The ball joints and control arm bushings are Moog replacements, I first replaced the upper ball joints with cheap store brand and they were popping and making noise within 1 month. Is your Can Am Pontiac or Olds powered ? As far as the 4 speed conversion I don't know what they used but it looks like a factory install, in other words doesn't look like a shade tree mechanic did it. The only issue was getting the shifter handle ( Mr Gasket ) to work with the console so I heated and bend it where needed and the bends are below the shifter boot so no one can see it and it works great.

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  • About Neil E
    1972 Lemans Sport 455HO, 1977 Can Am
    Montville, NJ USA
    Certified Public Accountant
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  • Join Date: 12-31-1999
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