gto 1970 gto 1970 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. gto 1970
    05-02-2010 07:05 AM
    gto 1970
    70 gto with rally gages use to work but had no dash lightsnow i have dash lights had to use a few brake light sockets to get them all to work which i wired back to the light switch do the rally gages take a full 12 volts to run is there a way to test the printed circuit board if so how thanks jim
  2. gto 1970
    04-30-2010 02:23 PM
    gto 1970
    70 gto with rally gages the gages use to work but i had no dash light now i have dash lights had to use a few brake light sockets to get them all to work which i wire back to light switch do the rally gages take a full 12 volts to run is there a way to test the printed circuit board does the rally gages get its power from the circuit board if so how much thanks jim
  3. gto 1970
    11-26-2009 09:50 PM
    gto 1970
    70 judge bottom of hood should it be painted the colour of the car or black


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  • Last Activity: 09-09-2019 09:17 PM
  • Join Date: 11-04-2008
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