LiL Jack LiL Jack is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. bpenrod
    08-28-2018 07:21 PM
    Jack I replied to your pm earlier, did you get it? Funny thing, I can't find it anywhere. Here on py or in my email. Kinda makes you go hhmmm!
  2. dragracerx2813
    04-15-2018 07:35 PM
    FYI there are some pretty good pictures of your Gto on Facebook . I think they are from this weekend .
  3. bigchief
    08-03-2014 02:38 PM
    Ok just let me know. What would be a safe tune on a 535 steel crank Butler motor wide port heads. 300 nor 400 on a progressive feed?
  4. stickboy
    05-21-2014 10:17 AM
    Hey Jack, please send me some pics of the Demon carb you have for sale.

    email address is

  5. jercracing
    01-21-2014 10:29 AM
    hey jack mike jones here. we pitted next to you in Norwalk with the 62 cat with the chevy engine. I was wondering whet you would take for all of it and do you still have the nitrous set up. thanks mike
  6. smokey 1978
    07-16-2013 06:29 AM
    smokey 1978
    hey jack my name is albert iwas wondering if you have a balancer for sale my pontiac motor is producing 700hp let me know and thanks for your time
  7. Bnick166
    11-04-2012 03:29 PM
  8. Bnick166
    11-03-2012 12:47 PM
    on your bolt on fiberglass hood...are you using any fasteners (Dzus) for the front or just the stock hood latch system. Your runnung some really impressive speeds and I was wondering how the front was held down @ speed.
    Thanks in Advance,
  9. RST
    07-11-2009 03:43 PM
    Jack, Thanks I will look into that site. Your Lemans body was also put to good use. Rich is running in mid 10s with it. Hope to see at a track soon. Thanks again, Jim
  10. RST
    07-09-2009 10:47 PM
    Hey jack, My name is Jim. My buddy Rich and I had bought your Lemans a few years back. Anyway I just wanted to say Hey, I put your motor in my 67 Bird and it runs strong. Best of 10.47 @ 127 Norwalk 08 09 should be better if car figure out the right pinon angle, rear u-joint binds on takeoff. Do you anybody on the forum that my be able to help me out with this?

About Me

  • About LiL Jack
    65+70 GTO
    1999 Pontiac Oultaw Champion
    Millersville,MD. USA
    Drag Racing
  • Signature
    First Pontiac powered street car in the 7's

    7.940@170.84. 3460#s


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-28-2021 07:57 PM
  • Join Date: 09-30-2002
  • Referrals: 0


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