69Goat1 69Goat1 is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. performerrpm
    09-22-2020 09:48 PM
    man it looked good. should have my blown 65 done soon....be cool to see 2 blown pontiacs roaming the same town
  2. performerrpm
    09-20-2020 11:38 PM
    hey does your car say judgement day on the side? seen a blown 69 in locust grove on a trailer headed torward tahlequah and cant imagine there being 2 of them
  3. 9secdport
    06-14-2018 09:56 PM
    Hi 69Goat1 I saw your post about the aluminum block and wanted to let you I have a forged crank rotating assembly with aluminum rods and CP done pistons for sale if you are interested.
  4. Ccass
    07-26-2011 10:17 PM
    Dave contacted me fairly recently and said he missed sending me some winners. I'm going to need to look back over his e-mail and see if you were one of them. I'm not sure why he would send you directly to me unless he did in fact include you on this new list and feels he's done what he can do. Maybe you can ask him if he did in fact include you on this latest 'missed' list? update me at chrisc@pypesexhaust.com
  5. 69Goat1
    05-28-2009 10:32 PM
    Yes - It is the Glass tech or however you spell it 2" rise bolt on hood... it's a heavy duty nicely made piece...
    05-28-2009 10:06 PM
    looking at your pics, do you have the fiberglass hood on there that is raised 2"? I have been looking at them for mine.

About Me

  • About 69Goat1
    2 69 GTO's, 77 & 78 TA
    Fastest NA Pontiac powered Pontiac in NE OK!
    Tahlequah Oklahoma
    Pontiacs, hunting...
  • Signature
    1969 GTO, 3370 lbs, 10.5” tire...
    07/31/21 Norwalk 9.42 @ 142 1/4, 5.95 @ 115 1/8th mile 3400 lbs...535 with Junk dinosaur Eheads


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-02-2024 08:40 PM
  • Join Date: 07-29-2003
  • Referrals: 0


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