Bill Meyer Bill Meyer is offline

Chief Ponti-yacker

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Bill Meyer
    09-05-2024 03:48 PM
    Bill Meyer
    Thanks for checking! I took the switch apart last night and was able to solder a wire on the broken contact. It works for now�� Thanks again!!
  2. Rachelsdad
    09-05-2024 01:09 PM
    Hey, Bill...

    I thought I sent you a follow-up; perhaps it didn't make it (I'm not seeing it here, now).

    Here's an eBay item for you:


    It's the whole pedal assembly with the switch, but at least it's got the part you seek. Frank's had one for considerably less money, but their site shows it as sold.

    I checked in the garage yesterday afternoon, and I cannot find a spare switch anywhere. (The box which I thought was promising had an entire brake pedal assembly - not parking brake - and some other misc Guide-Matic and cruise control parts.)

    Nice to meet a fellow STS-V driver. I love mine. :-)

    GL HTH
  3. gman005
    06-23-2020 02:53 PM
    Hi Bill. Happy Birthday to you. Hope all is well.
  4. SIX8YAK
    12-19-2017 06:50 PM
    Hey Bill,

    I was told you would be a possible asset in my area for helping me get the right work done. I have a 1968 Grand Prix with a pulled 400 waiting to be put back to former glory. I want it to be a dependable engine that will do what it's supposed to. I'm not looking for 1/4 times or insane HP, but getting close to 1:1 is definitely my goal. It's numbers matching so I don't want to change anything on the outside that doesn't need to, but I'm all about improving what needs to be on underneath the cast iron. I'd love to talk to you if you have some time!
  5. 6567GTO
    08-31-2016 03:06 PM
    Ever hear from Ed at Headers by Ed? Was just curious what the heck happened.
  6. andrewT
    12-09-2010 10:48 AM
    any pictures of your ride? its sounds looks bada$$ from your avatar
  7. CraigG.
    11-15-2009 02:49 AM
    Hi Bill,

    I bought the tires that you use on your '71 for my '72. They are slightly too big without some paint and body modification. I thought that I was more willing to cut the wheel openings - front to rear more that I was.

    Do you have any use for NEW MT 10.5 W x 12.5 tires? - Friends? Great price as I want to buy the '28 for spring. Ames - Iowa.
    Thanks Again.
    Blessings, Craig
  8. 61 CAT
    04-23-2009 11:31 PM
    61 CAT
    Hey,Bill good seeing you at the drive in tonight

About Me

  • About Bill Meyer
    1963 Grand Prix, 1971 GT37 Drag Car
    Viet nam vet/bought new \'70 GTO upon return. Started collecting in\'85 restored/showed- now RACE!!!
    West St Paul MN/Mesa,AZ- depending on weather
    Past President, Land o lakes GTO club, drag racing GT37 best time: 10,09 @ 133
    Retired/build Pontiac engines
  • Signature
    GT37 3625lbs..Fastest bench seat, column shift, all steel,no power adders car at Norwalk
    1.35 w/29.5x10.5x15
    6.42 @ 109
    10.09 @ 133


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  • Last Activity: Today 12:09 AM
  • Join Date: 12-23-1999
  • Referrals: 1


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