Ozzmann Ozzmann is offline

Chief Ponti-yacker

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Aus Goat
    11-27-2014 12:13 AM
    Aus Goat
    Hey Darrin
    When you installed the carpet did you have trim any off the carpet so it would fit ?

  2. Aus Goat
    10-14-2014 05:38 AM
    Aus Goat
    back in Aus for awhile
    getting the car ready for Nationals . New seats going in soon and carpet .Then rust out and respray 1 coat
  3. Aus Goat
    10-10-2014 05:25 AM
    Aus Goat
    Do you mount the sway bar off the frame or the lower control arm ????
    Looking at a Hellwig from Summit kit for off the frame mounting and cheap just like me
    Getting new adjustable uppers already
  4. Aus Goat
    10-04-2014 07:30 PM
    Aus Goat
    I need to buy some upper rear control arm tryine to get traction
    what do you think of these ?
  5. Aus Goat
  6. Aus Goat
    07-08-2014 05:31 AM
    Aus Goat
    hey do you have any drag pictures of the old girl ???
  7. Aus Goat
    05-04-2014 06:37 AM
    Aus Goat
    Hey Ozz
    will you be coming to the all American in July ??? I want to have a look at the hydroboost set up on our car .
  8. Aus Goat
    02-26-2012 01:36 AM
    Aus Goat
    OZ have a look at Sirrotica profile he the one with all the cool shirts
  9. Aus Goat
    01-25-2012 01:39 AM
    Aus Goat
    what happened to you on friday night ? i gather you are back in mackay by now ?
  10. Aussie GP
    03-11-2010 04:17 AM
    Aussie GP
    I'm up in Darwin, got a 68 GTO and just purchasing a 69 GP

About Me

  • About Ozzmann
    69 GTO
    Mackay, Australia
    GMH Parts Interpreter
  • Signature
    Your car must be very fast !
    Because you were haulin ass when I passed you in my GTO.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: Yesterday 06:58 PM
  • Join Date: 02-28-2010
  • Referrals: 1


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