Conversation Between a95toy and oxfordsteve
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. a95toy
    11-19-2014 05:24 PM
    Thanks Steve,
    I already purchased a set of floating pistons from racetec and I have the exact set you mentioned which are brand new in the box i'll be selling soon.
    Thanks for the response
  2. oxfordsteve
    11-19-2014 01:17 PM
    Terry I have a set of TRW 455 .030 over pistons that have less than 10,000 street miles on them. Engine blew a head gasket and I pulled and disassembled it and dropped original motor back in car and sold car. I Have been saving pistons and crank for a future project so I do not have them for sale but would consider a reasonable offer. And I live in Huntsville and have a son at Montevallo If you are interested reply back and I will give you my cell number.

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