Conversation Between johnta1 and jciwolf
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Not a new ussue but one I had hoped went away! After new guts to distributor, I installed new plug wires and fired up the car, approx. 10-15 minutes a loud squeal like a huge vacuum leak started. Checked all vacuum lines and even the vacuum advance in the distributor, no luck. Have no idea where this is coming from, but it sounds like it's from the back of the motor. I asked Holley and they had no idea what it could be, but if it wasn't the vacuum advance diaphragm it wasn't the distributor. I still have no idea but it gets louder as the motor revs. Any ideas, I'm open to anything at this point, so will concentrate on the interior for now. Thanks jciwolf
Sorry I haven't replied for a while, busy with granddaughters and visitors. I finally got the distributor figured out with a little advice on the phone from a friend. It didn't want to start until I advanced the it a little also took care of a problem with the carb choke not working properly. I forgot to hook up the vacuum advance tube at the distributor. Now she runs and starts great. I have a Holley 4barrel that requires a 12 volt constant power lead on it, but if I don't run the car for a few days it drains the battery! Holley says it's normal for them to do that, but I find that a little hard to believe. I'm going to try a relay so if the motor is not running the relay opens up to cut the power to the carb. I don't see why it would need power to do nothing! What do you think about it, Holley right or wrong. We'll see after I try the relay! How's the racing going? Hope all is good. jciwolf
Hello my friend, I found my problem on the ignition,(no spark). I first tested at the plugs and found nothing on either side, I then tested at the distributor and found nothing again! Then it was time to take the distributor apart, Oh boy I'm in deep now!! I took it apart and found the rotor bad the cap was NG and I figured all this I better get all new and be done with it. All new except the gears themselves, I didn't want to spend that much money on an entirely new distributor. Went everything comes in I will put it all back together and find 1st cylinder at the plug and get it into dead center. Don't have a timing light but I'm pretty sure I can get it very close if not right one. That is the news for now, hope I'm not bucket mouthing, if so let me know. jciwolf p.s. I had to get a new connector for the control module, I broke it when trying to get the new condenser on!!!
Hey I like her already, anyone who likes JFR is a friend of mine. Too bad they didn't make it all the way. Brittany lost in first rd, and Courtney hit the wall a little hard. Thought Robert would make it all the way but he and John lost out too. Oh well, can't win them all. Put all the goodies back in to the distributor, but broke the harness on the control module,(dang it), so will have to wait till I get that. Getting to be a learning project again. Thought I was getting past that but not yet. Hope you had a great weekend, will keep you informed. jciwolf
Alternator tested good, regulator cheap enough to buy new. Took HEI distributor apart and found a bad rotor, possibly bad condenser but bought new anyway. Control module tested bad, got new cap and coil also cheap enough to buy new. Will install new parts Sunday, up until NHRA is on ,( FOX 1 at %:30 pm my time EST. Anything before that will stop when it comes on. Like DSR but love JFR, we'll see who takes it. jciwolf
This is a '70 GTO with Hei, Holley 4barrel carb model 4150, with electric choke. and vacuum operated secondary. Talked to Holley and their tech said the wiring and heat were normal due to constant 12 volts. It appears to operate properly. I took the alternator and voltage regulator off and will have them tested tonight. You are correct on the wiring, I checked that out when replacing the terminals on the wires. Color code is as in manual. Will let you know how things turn out tomorrow. Thank You so much jciwolf
Sorry I forgot, going to pull voltage regulator and alt and have both tested to be sure they are ok or not. jciwolf
I have tested the voltage from the alt as the was running, it reads what the battery reads. I thought it should read 13 to 14 volts as it charges, is this correct? It appears my battery is doing all the work and not the alt, the only thing I noticed getting real hot is the diaphram on the carb. The coil seems to be hotter than a three dollar pistol. Holley tech says it does get hot with 12v constants voltage, and should be wired direct from alt with 5 amp fuse which it is. Definitely has fuel, filled tank to be sure and have a clear fuel filter before the pump and just before the carb. Both ok. Thanks for the replies and your interest. jciwolf
I would 1st see if the car is dying from fuel or electrical.
When it dies, see if the carb pump squirter still squirts gas.
(and does it start right back upafter it dies)
I would not think the alternator would shut the car down and still have enough to start up again.
I'll look at my wiring diagrams. The coil may be the problem though it might be getting too hot?