Conversation Between T.Weber and 1966geeto
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. T.Weber
    01-13-2014 10:08 PM
    My Catalina still has the factory fan shroud and clutch fan. I did the Mark VIII fan installed in my 64 Chevy C10 and believe it or not a 62 Pontiac radiator and a 64 C 10 radiator are the exact same radiators. I have pictures I can email you of the brackets I made and give you any measurements you may need or want.
    Terry W.
  2. 1966geeto
    01-09-2014 04:04 PM
    hate to be a bother did you get the fan installed
    was wondering about the depth not much room between the radiator and the fan pulley.

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