Conversation Between Ozzmann and Aus Goat
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
  1. Ozzmann
    05-04-2014 06:59 PM
    Yea mate that's the plan, as long as the goat is running.
  2. Aus Goat
    05-04-2014 06:37 AM
    Aus Goat
    Hey Ozz
    will you be coming to the all American in July ??? I want to have a look at the hydroboost set up on our car .
  3. Aus Goat
    02-26-2012 01:36 AM
    Aus Goat
    OZ have a look at Sirrotica profile he the one with all the cool shirts
  4. Aus Goat
    01-25-2012 01:39 AM
    Aus Goat
    what happened to you on friday night ? i gather you are back in mackay by now ?
  5. Ozzmann
    03-10-2010 06:01 AM
    Hey mate, I'm in Mackay QLD.
    I would be interested in some local contacts.
  6. Aus Goat
    03-10-2010 03:23 AM
    Aus Goat
    were are you in Aus
    i am in brisbane and have some contacts that you can try

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