Parked near me at the car show
Not mine. Really spectacular.
Sorry I didn't get a better picture of the tag.
Other side of the engine bay.
Tri-Power still has vacuum linkage.  The third missing option (thank God) is air ride suspension.
From the rear.
Another dash shot.  An option that it didn't have that I'd like is the Sportable radio.
Massive front end.
Tri-Power of course.  One option it didn't have and that I wouldn't want is Fuel Injection.
Check out the carpet between the rear seats.
Bucket seats in the front and back.
The automatic dimmer and mirrored dual spotlights.
It has factory air and the Safeguard speed minder.
I can only think of 3 options this car does not have and I wouldn't want two of them.
Sorry about the bad lighting.
This Bonneville parked a couple of places down from me last Saturday at the local shine & show.

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