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Old 05-03-2024, 02:59 PM
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fyrffytr1 fyrffytr1 is offline
Ultimate Warrior
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Leesburg, Georgia
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I am that neighbor, kind of. I mow about 10 feet of my neighbor's yard. But, he knows about it. A previous owner put up a 4 foot fence 10 feet inside his property line to allow me room for my car trailer. I told him I would keep it cut. I also told the latest owner that it is his property and he can move the fence or do what he wants. He is satisfied with the present arrangement. It was a different situation on my back property line when a new lower income subdivision was put it. As they staked off the small lots with wood pins I would drive a metal fence post down beside it. After people moved in and started using my property for their own I merely ran a string from one post to other and, for the most part it was respected. I had one neighbor say I put the string up to keep them out. But, I told him I put it up so I would not go onto his property. I have about 2 acres and the new houses were built on two tenths of an acre. I can walk my property line and listen to the people in their house talking.
Can you get your neighbor to sign a paper holding him responsible for anything that happens while he is on your property? And, you can cut down any threes or plants on your property. Another thought, can you plant a line of shrubbery on your side. I eventually planted a row of needle point holleys on my back line. No one wants to mess with them and the birds love the berries.

Remember no one is perfect. Everyone's butt has a crack in it!