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Old 06-12-2022, 03:50 PM
mgarblik mgarblik is online now
Ultimate Warrior
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 6,121

I am bringing this back up for a possible favor. The owner of this SD is close to being able to enjoy driving it a bit after all these decades. Today I mounted a fresh set of Radial TA's on the original wheels he has just freshly restored. 3 of the 4 wheels are excellent and straight and the tires balanced beautifully. The 4th wheel has a bend in it and I am not 100% happy with it. It did balance OK but has a some lateral runnout and a little radial runnout as well. It looks great and is functional but he would like to replace it. It is a 15X7 rally II wheel. Don't need an exact date code but would like to start with an excellent candidate, no pitting rust, and not bent. It will be restored like the remaining wheels so light sand blasting being required is expected. But not rusted to the point where bodywork, (filler or high build primer would be required) Please let me know what you might have. Thanks.