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Region Warrior 07-17-2013 01:24 PM

Post your garage rules...
Ones you've had to make up do to yourself.

Imagine Sy from Duck Commander talk'n.

Rule #1.

Never go barefoot any length of time in garage or suffer a pinky toe on an engine block and/or transmission.

Hey! That's rule # 1!

Rule #2

Get'n out of pool to garage barefoot for noth'r beer, trip'n over a cat bring'n in rabbit for dinner, try'n to keep balance without ste'p on rabbit, and kicking engine block(which should of been gone this spring).

HEY! That's rule # 1


Haven't been able to wear a sock for a week...shoe to tight.

ho428 07-17-2013 01:35 PM

Sounds like another of your Vacation exploits.

David Jones 07-17-2013 04:24 PM

Sucks when you make up the rules after the fact!

Region Warrior 07-17-2013 04:56 PM

Rule #1

Aways make sure negative battery cable is disconnected 1st.
If you ask a buddy to do it, double ck yr'self b4 welding finger to the 12V stud.

Region Warrior 07-17-2013 05:00 PM

Yep, sure does David.

No vacation for least 10 yrs HO428. Must of followed me home!

Simple Man 07-17-2013 05:49 PM

Keep the h*ll outta my kegorator! Unless you donate, or are asked to partake.

That's the only rule I have.

mike nixon 07-17-2013 05:52 PM

I'm the boss. What I say goes.

If you use my stuff put it back. If you don't I'll throw you out.

hurryinhoosier62 07-17-2013 05:53 PM

Rule #1: I DO NOT loan tools. Don't bother asking.

Rule #2: A lack of planning on YOUR part DOES NOT constitute an emergency on MY part.

Rule #3: It's DONE when it's DONE.

Kurt Zimmerman 07-18-2013 08:44 AM

One of our unwritten (until now) rules:

It's a guys garage. We don't say "excuse me" for any bodily sounds or smells, and we don't hold back.:D


fiedlerh 07-18-2013 10:02 AM

Small repair jobs: one six pack
Medium repair jobs such as spark plugs or check engine light fix: 12 pack
Bigger repairs like a brake job: case of beer or more depending on how long it takes.
Good microbrew beer, none of that cheap swill.
Similar rates for loaning tools.

sdbob 07-18-2013 11:53 AM

What's the password? Don't know you don't get in......( I may be helping aliens tune up their space craft with Poncho power)

Rob B 07-18-2013 11:56 AM

No fat chicks.... Don't want them bending the pole.

The Boss 07-18-2013 12:00 PM

When you go outside to pee - go to the side that doesn't face the house. I don't want to hear about your pee/exposure incident later.

(I think I need to take one of my flat hoods and paint it with that chalkboard paint so we can add these as needed!) :D

Region Warrior 07-18-2013 12:11 PM

Good idea.
Have a 68 FB and 76 Formula hood lean'n on back of garage. Use'm as extra tables for bbq get togethers.

chipster 07-18-2013 02:21 PM

Don't spit on the floor.

Rack776 07-18-2013 03:39 PM

Rule 1 - Don't stack boxes, spare parts or household crap in, on top of, under or behind the Firebirds

Rule 2 - Make sorry excuses for ignoring Rule 1 when I'm in a jam and need to temporarly store household remodeling crap out in the garage.

jonmachota78 07-18-2013 03:52 PM

1) no urinating allowed! That's just gross.. however you may go out back and take a piss.
2) no complaining about the kind of beer being served, but you CAN complain if it's not cold.

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